“Candace, you are doing wonderful work in the world.”
My work is sacred to me. I am an advocate of the human spirit, inner truth, and the power of our hearts to guide us.
Empowering others has been in my nature since I was a child, always loving to encourage and inspire, bringing vitality to lives while being a source of support and guidance. Healing is not about changing who you are but changing how you feel about who you are. That’s freedom.
My ultimate guiding principle is to grant you the comfort of accepting you exactly as you are, with no judgment, no expectations, simply the belief that you can overcome whatever is in your way and come out shining. With an open heart, there is no wound too deep that love cannot heal with the divine loving intelligence included in the process.
I connect deeply with souls, not faces, so I work on the phone, Skype, and Zoom with audio only allowing me the capacity to accurately gain intuitive insights into the complexities of someone through energy frequency and sound vibration without the distraction of a visual or body language. The advantage for you, is to feel completely free and comfortable as we connect and work.
THE DISCOVERY SESSION is our first step in connecting on the phone so I can learn about you, what you wish to work on, and what you would like to accomplish. I will ask questions and explain how I work, as well as answering any questions you may have. Discovery Sessions are 45-60 minutes in length.
The most valuable contribution I can make is to facilitate you to come out from behind the "personality" to live your truest self. Our focus cultivates the ability to listen carefully to the truth hidden beneath all the experiences the subconscious mind buried to protect you and learn to listen to your heart and trust it as you take action.
The longer we keep our truth hidden, the harder it is to give it a voice. So, when you gain the courage to express yourself authentically from the wholeness of your truth, you will be taking a bold step and will be amazed at the power of your expression and the resulting radiance in your life.
The education that helped me heal my own journey was a Masters in soul-centered Spiritual Psychology, a blend of spirituality and the science of psychology that focuses on healing the past, the heart, mind, and soul, and rediscovering the spirit inside.
You will learn to use your mind as a servant for your well-being instead of being at the mercy of unexpected triggers, limited negative thoughts, and judgments. By healing your mind, you are retrieving your power from ‘false truths,’ allowing your gifts and magical qualities to come out, gaining the courage to live your life wholeheartedly.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
This poignant work is one of the most important modalities I trust for immediate results. The conscious mind lies down quietly when you close your eyes to the dark stillness inside while another intelligence leads the way to allowing symbolic images to unfold. It’s an amazing experience of inner exploration and restoration.
I have found the troublesome internal aspects themselves, hold the answers to the most effective way for healing and transforming to become a vital force of support and encouragement inside you. The perceived “inner enemy” turns out to be a forgotten innocent child crying for love and attention. There is an immediate understanding of loving acceptance that leads the aspect to be transfigured as it is unified with the present self. It is an extraordinary experience of pain healed and love emerging.
You can learn to choose your energy and to affect the field around you, using it as a sphere of power and protection. As a child, I encountered a living, moving, reverberating vision, a vibrating force around me that I knew instantly I was a part of.
That has allowed me to sense the energetic vibrational frequencies, opening me to develop the parapsychological skills and intuition I put to service in counseling and readings. You can have those skills too, by opening your awareness, tapping into it, and developing it.
Your body is a precious treasure that houses your spirit, so you need to honor it by treating it well and tuning into its wisdom. The fastest way to heal is to feel your feelings all the way through, bringing awareness to what is going on inside. Staying in tune with your body opens your heart to it. The result is loving yourself.
Listening to the intuitive intelligence of the heart gives you the power to choose your emotional state. When we have not listened, crisis becomes an unexpected jarring of our ways that brings us humbly in contact with our truth. The purpose is not to break us but to wake us.
Learning to take yourself to heart at the depth of your being will allow you to hold yourself in warmth and loving kindness. From this, you will discover a higher, more noble feeling of being the source of all favorable results in your life.
You will learn to embrace yourself and encourage yourself every day to be grateful for all that you are by sustaining the emotional powers of gratitude, self-care, self-forgiveness, self-honoring, personal integrity, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, self-kindness, self-caring, self-compassion, self-love, and commitment to yourself as you live wholeheartedly.
Throughout our counseling, I support you with:
Personalized assignments
Release Statements
Forgiveness Statements
Reprogramming Statements
Compassionate Communication Support
Additional Insights during the week
I look forward to hearing from you.
- Candace