Readings by Candace
“Candace is an elegant winged creature from another realm, sharing a pure essence and enchanted spirit.”
Transformational Readings
What to expect . . . As a spiritual guide, I share deep insights through a conversational exchange that leads to answers that can transform your current life challenges. During the 90-minute audio reading by phone, Skype, or Zoom, your own soul’s guidance will be revealed to empower you to feel larger than your current life challenges and transform how you see your reality.
What Happens . . . I have learned that the cards have their own message from another realm. That message is usually wiser and deeper than the questions put to them. There is a steady stream of insights, realizations and awareness connecting what seems random and separate. Seeing things in a new way can transform and heal your situation. We discover patterns you can shift using skills I share with you, elevating you to your natural power for managing change.
What is Different About the Experience . . . You will have an opportunity to express and explore as you gain awareness. It is a form of therapy that can raise you past limitations and comfort zones to choose to do what feels right for yourself. It can also bring recognition of hidden gifts as well as elements in your life you may be resisting or avoiding. It is equivalent to at least two or three regular counseling sessions.
What is Gained . . . I will look through your past and present into the future, addressing the subconscious, you conscious thinking, intuition, feelings, belief systems, the final outcome, and what you need to master in order to find a new perspective to lighten your heart and come back to wholeness so you can take your next best step.
What is Unique . . . Utilizing the spiritual Voyager Tarot deck, I perform a layout of a 21-card Grand Maze. I will send you a special form for taking notes that will make it easy for you to remember what came through. You will also receive custom Release Statements that will be a source of strength as you apply what you learned directly into your life.
What Your Questions Provide . . . Think carefully about the questions and issues you have, because it is through them we are able to discover what action or change is necessary to find a new perspective for your life and heart, resulting in a deeper connection to the power of who you truly are.
Laser Readings
What is Different About This Experience . . . Laser Readings are designed to be a succinct 45 minute audio reading by phone, Skype, or Zoom, with the same information and guidance coming through as the Transformational Readings but shared at a faster pace, more concise and to the point, with less interchange of conversation.
What is Gained . . . Your laser-focused questions and three current photographs give me everything I need to conduct a complete, condensed card reading. I look through your experiences of reality and speak to your life concerns and challenges, inspiring your re-connection and acceptance of the power inside you. This will lead you to listen to your heart and come back to wholeness which has the potential of making you larger than any challenge you may be facing.
What Happens . . . Because it is a briefer time frame, I will encourage you to be open to what the cards need to tell you and what you are getting from them rather than watching for expectations you might have. You will receive a special form to take notes, making it easy for you to remember what came through, as well as custom Release Statements that can be a source of strength as you apply what you learned into your life.
What Your Questions Provide . . . Think carefully about your current questions because through them, we will look through your experiences of reality to discover what action or change is necessary to find a new perspective to lighten your heart and come back to wholeness. As a result, you will be inspired to forge a deeper connection to yourself and accept the power of who you truly are.